My Acting Demo Reel.
Video Chapters:
0:00 - "Husband" in Rumbleon (Commercial)
0:49 - "Marty McFly" in Marriage Conference (Commercial)
2:00 - "Beat Boxer" in New Jersey Anti-Litter (PSA Commercial)
2:17 - "Hipster Chaz" in Chuck-E-Cheese (Industrial)
2:30 - "Myself" in Apparition Expedition (Documentary)
4:04 - "Runner" in The Train Station (Movie)
4:16 - "Wes" in Com Home (Short Film)
4:54 - "Wynn Mowerly" in Crop Circles (Short Film)
5:59 - "Host" in 5miles App Weekly Show (Web Series)
To contact or learn more, visit my Acting page: http://www.ericjkuhns.com/acting
#ActingDemoReel #DemoReelExample #EricKuhns #EricJKuhns #ChuckECheese #RumbleOn #TrainStationMovie #5milesApp #ShortFilms2022
This was a super fun shoot I did with my filmmaker friend and youtuber, Nigel Barros, for a coffee company called Mall Grab Coffee. I was instantly interested as I wanted to work with Nigel on a project like this as well as try Mall Grab coffee, which btw, is AWESOME coffee.
In this industrial, I had the pleasure of not only hosting on screen for this video, but I also created and edited this video for Stellar Home Maintenance.
Alongside contracting for RumbleOn to help their marketing team to run their YouTube channel and various other social media, I was afforded the chance to star in one of their commercials!