Where Did The Internet Come From? (A BRIEF EXPLANATION)
Don't you just love the internet? Well, you owe its existence to science and more specifically, a long history of work being done to create a particle accelerator. Originally, we were suppose to have this superconducting super collider, (particle accelerator) that would change the particle physics world, here in my home state of Texas. However, our government decided to scrap the project in October 1993 after spending around $2 billion. The project moved to Switzerland, where we later discovered many new particles. Unfortunately, those discoveries are no longer happening in the U.S.
'CERN', as the project is called, created and released the WORLDWIDEWEB source code. This made it possible for me to share this article with you now. 23 years later, this one action has led to an economic boom, an outlet for creativeness (and sometimes harm) as well as a way for us to connect like never before. April 30, 1993 goes down in history as a pivotal change in the direction of humanity.
“The move had an immediate effect on the spread of the web. By late 1993, there were over 500 known web servers, by the end of 1994 there were 10,000, and 10 million users. Traffic was equivalent to shipping the collected works of Shakespeare every second.”
Let's back up for a second. CERN released the source code to everyone, but the research that led to the internet goes back further in time. It all began about 50+ years ago. The people over at Life Noggin put this great, brief video together to explain.
So, to everyone out there cruisin' around the internet today, let's buy a pizza and celebrate science and the technology that, dare I say it... CHANGED THE WORLD!